Allison Duquette
for Vermont House

Candidate to Represent East Milton and Westford
(District Chittenden-25)

In the Vermont House of Representatives

I am a candidate for Vermont House of Representatives for district CHI-25 Westford and East Milton. I am running for this position because I love Vermont and I want to see more balance in Montpelier.

Why am I running?

  • I want Vermont to be more affordable for people to live, raise families and retire here.

  • As a mother, I want to see more transparency in our schools and access to school choice expanded.

  • Encouraging and incentivizing small family farms will keep Vermont rural and food on our tables.

  • Vermont is increasingly being run by unelected committees, commissions, boards and councils. This creates more bureaucracy and allows the legislature to not take responsibility for its actions.

For more information on these topics and more go to my issues page.